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Alouatta PROJECT
Genomics and Genetics of the Howler Monkeys
Alouatta is a New World Monkey genus (Platyhrrini pavorder) of the Atelidae family, subfamily Alouattinae.
Such species are popularly known as howler, guariba or bearded monkeys.
The taxonomy of the genus is very complex, involving classifications into major complexes, such as:
Central America
Cerrado-Pantanal Biomes
Amazonic-Atlantic Forest
Authors, however, differ from each other, pointing out at different taxa occasionally assumed as 'species'
A. palliata
A. pigra
A. coibensis​
A. nigerrima
A. belzebul
A. ululata
A. discolor
A. seniculus
A. arctoidea
A. maconnelli
A. sara
A. juara
A. caraya
A. guariba
A. clamitans
A. fusca
Alouatta caraya
Alouatta guariba
Alouatta clamitans
Alouatta fusca
Alouatta discolor
Alouatta belzebul
Alouatta paliatta
Alouatta coibensis
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